Beyond Breach –

Where Your Data Stays Yours, Forever Secure

The steep increase in Data breaches as a result of inadequate cybercrime defense!

Investing in PriviCore not only secures your data but also offers a significant return by preventing costly breaches.

*Sources: Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2024 – World Economic Forum, 2024 State of Cybersecurity – CompTIA, IBM report on the cost of data breaches,

Average breach costs USD 175 per record

Flagstar Bank, the seventh largest bank mortgage lender in the US, announced in June 2022, that it had been hacked in December 2021, and personal data on 1.5 million customers exfiltrated.


Flagstar’s size:

  • $310.3 M in Primary Response Costs
  • $22.7 M in Lost Revenue
  • $585,000 in Fines & Judgments
  • $333.6 Million Total
  • $222 Average Per Record

Privicore Data First security approach prevents Data breaches

Privicore Data First security approach prevents Data breaches

  • Key Management
    Without the necessary keys, a hacker cannot decrypt the data. The keys are also not in one place but 3 places.

  • Fast Encryption technology
    In combination with tokenization, we use a fast and secure elliptic curve encryption method to encrypt data.

  • Tokenization
    This is a process where a piece of sensitive data, such as a credit card number, is replaced by a surrogate value known as a token. The token itself is meaningless for a hacker.

  • High transaction volume using Fast Message Queue
    Fast acceleration for low latency and fast transactions.
  • Storage Decentralization
    By decentralizing the storage of the encryption key separated from the actual data storage you will keep it secure and minimize the risk of data loss (DLP) and ransomware.

  • Secret management & Synchronization
    Manage all client’s secret and synchronize data across storage devices

  • Device security
    Immutable ledger for maximum device security and trust.

  • Policy & Voting
    Implement your Zero Trust access management voting mechanism enabling you to use multiple policies. E.g. AI & Machine , Biometrics & Geometrics, Behavioral biometrics etc or add 3rd party network security apps example CASB solutions.

  • AI & Machine learning
    Policy-based learning algorithms and risk profiling.

End-to-end data security in one platform

  • User-friendly in day-to-day usage. Even in case of a breach, your data is secure.

  • Easy to implement in your environment!
  • Fraction of the costs of a cyber hack.
  • Ensure security throughout the entire data lifecycle.

Why Choose PriviCore?

  • Unparalleled security level:  With PriviCore, your data is perpetually secure and shielded, even in case of a breach.

  • Regulatory compliance by default: Privicore ensures compliance with CMMC, HIPAA, GDPR, NIS2, and DORA

  • Applicable across all sectors: From military operations to energy grids and from governments to non-profit our technology is agnostic, versatile and robust

  • Simplicity in Security: PriviCore integrates seamlessly, offering a smooth user experience

  • Reduction of Cyber insurance premium costs.

Why Choose PriviCore?

  • Unparalleled security level:  With PriviCore, your data is perpetually secure and shielded, even in case of a breach.

  • Regulatory compliance by default: Privicore ensures compliance with CMMC, HIPAA, GDPR, NIS2, and DORA

  • Applicable across all sectors: From military operations to energy grids and from governments to non-profit our technology is agnostic, versatile and robust

  • Simplicity in Security: PriviCore integrates seamlessly, offering a smooth user experience

  • Reduces your risk profile leading to affordable Cyber insurance premiums.

Where excellence meets trust

Join the Leaders – Secure Your Spot at the Forefront of Data Security Now!

Technology & Innovation Company

Enabled a leading tech innovator to enhance their data encryption, reducing security incidents by 40% within the first year.

Healthcare Provider

Assisted a major healthcare network in securing patient data across all platforms, achieving 100% compliance with HIPAA and GDPR.

Financial Services Corporation

Revolutionized data management for a global financial firm, streamlining compliance processes and cutting operational costs by 30%.

Your Data Deserves The Best DefenseSecurityGuard

Why compromise? Experience top-tier protection with PriviCore.